The History of Toyota

Toyota is one of the best car selling companies in the world. TMC (Toyota Motor Corporation) was established in Tokyo, Japan. The company was founded in the year 1937 by a successful businessman - Mr. Kiichiro Toyoda.
The company is a corporation in the Toyota City in Tokyo. Some say that the company is not one of the best companies but the only best and the largest motor making company in the world. Today, there are more than 317,000 people working in this company as its dedicated employees. The world has seen its triumph soon after the World War and the cars that were created by this company were really amazing and there is no doubt about it. It was the year 1934 when Toyota Industries created its first ever product by the name Type A engine which rocked the market of automobiles. Ford and many other well known companies knew that they got their rival and competitor.
The company did not stop creating anything and they kept on creating more and more powerful things without stopping. In the year 1936, Toyota created a history by introducing a new passenger car- Toyota AA. Toyota also has other brands which are very famous worldwide and are known as Scion and Lexus. These cars have great deals and they have majority of their shareholdings in Daihatsu and Hino Motors. Did you know? The company alone holds about 522 subsidiaries, and this makes the company the largest automaker in the world.
Besides making cars, the company also has its wings in other sectors such as financial sector. The name of this branch is Division Toyota Financial Services. This company also plays a crucial role in financial sector and gives loans and financial assistance to the people who are in need of capital. Toyota Group is the largest group of industries in the world.
However, Toyota motors limited has seen a huge loss of about 5 billion US dollars due to internal issues. After the financial crisis that happened due to American people, Toyota lost a lot of shares and stakes and money between the years 2007-2009. The recession that happened in the world was mainly due to Americans who did not pay their loans and taxes back to the country. Japan blamed America for doing such a cheap thing and people of America have gulped the money that other people gave as taxes. After gulping down, they kept mum and the whole world started suffering. Mr. Toyoda was traced quoting, "Americans are selfish, and indeed the world is suffering. God knows when they will think about others other than filling their own stomachs by snatching other's work". However, this was rubbished as a rumor but people still do believe that it did affect everyone.


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